Saturday, November 13, 2010


It is without a shadow of a doubt, truth has been hidden for decades. A recipe for distrust.

A remnant of a tree on Mars?

And so it is there are trees on Mars, lots of them.

Why is it a problem to tell the truth NASA?

Maybe it is all fiction like my book
But those photographs of Mars come through NASA. 
My book come through my imagination.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


NASA Scientists Shocked.

Mars Radios Europa!

Mars sends radio signals to Jupiter

Top Secret Photos Show NASA Knew About

Jupiter Receiver in 1979

Signal in unbreakable code

On Saturday evening, August 9, 1997, JPL scientists and their NSAa51 monitors declared the Pathfinder mission a success. Preparing to power down Sojourner and limit it to daylight only missions, NASA personnel were shocked to detect radio transmissions from Monolith 2 to somewhere in the vicinity of Jupiter.
Transmissions detected during power down phase
The rock Monolith 2, suspected of being a transmitter The first nocturnal signal, evidently broadcast from a transmitter hidden in the Martian rock Monolith 2, was detected Thursday evening, when Pathfinder was supposed to be powered down. A unnamed JPL communications analyst accidentally left the Pathfinder receiver set to a low frequency and discovered the signals when she returned from her coffee break.
JPL scientists were still confused as to the transmission's target until NASA officials released previously classified images of Europa from the 1979 Voyager probe. Although the pictures were fuzzy, they appeared to show a third rock, identical to Monoliths 1 & 2, that NASA scientists already suspected was a radio receiver. (top)
Long-buried evidence reveals existence of receiver near Europa
In an amazing admission, NASA and NSAa51 officials admitted that in 1979, Voyager made radio contact in space with a previously unidentified object in orbit around the Jupiter moon, Europa. Photos of the Jovian receiver remained buried in Area 51 archives for almost 18 years. The object is almost identical to Monoliths 1 and 2, which makes the Martian monolith the prime candidate for a transmitter.
Is this asteroid really a radio beacon in space?
Galileo tests Europan beacon. Furthermore, JPL scientists secretly programmed Galileo to test the Europan beacon to see if it did transmit or receive signals. The proof came along with proof of a liquid ocean on Europa's surface and oxygen in the Europan atmosphere.
When the 1979 and Galileo photo were compared to the photos from Pathfinder, JPL scientists pressed to release all information to the public, but the more startling findings were buried along with revelations about Monolith 2.
The secret photos lent further fuel to the current controversy over the existence of life on Europa, which is even beginning to receive the support of such notables as NASA cofounder Robert Jastrow and current administrator Dan Goldin. The controversy began to rage this summer, even as Pathfinder was broadcasting its own startling findings, as Galileo. (Top)
Signal’s meaning has experts stumped
The nature of the signal is even more puzzling to NASA and security bureaucracy specialists. When Goldin was informed that the code was "monary," or nothing more than a series of zeros repeatedly endlessly at random cycles, he was shocked by the news. "How do you interpret zeros?" he is supposed to have yelled at JPLís Pathfinder project scientist Matthew Golembeck, who delivered the news in a scrambled phone call.
"Everyone at Area 51, Houston, and Pasadena went on covert alert," said my source, who has been out of communication for more than a week while my equipment was mysteriously down. "Every trace of extra terrestrial life we found to date has been arguable. This is not only the smoking gun, we can see the bullets firing."
The best guess of the JPL communications staff at this point is that the Martio-Europans, as the so far unsighted aliens have been named, have a fractalized language and can perceive "shades of zero" that are undetectable to humans. (The original name suggested for the aliens had been "Euro-Martians," but the moniker was rejected as too trendy and possibly misleading).

In fact this is nothing new, it is almost as if the USA was trying to control every bit of information about Mars, even way back in 1924. 

During the closest approach of Mars to the earth in August 1924 the U.S. Government ordered all radio transmitters in the country to maintain radio silence for 5 minutes on the hour, every hour for 2 days in which to listen for signals during the close transit with Mars [35,000,000 miles from Earth] from August 21 to August 23rd. This was called "National Radio Silence Day." All American military transmitters were ordered shut down during this time.

The leader of the project was Dr. David Peck Todd, former head of the Amherst College astronomy department and friend of Percival Lowell. .
Heading the operation for the Army was Major General Charles Saltzman and Admiral Edward W. Eberlen, Chief of Naval Operations.
World renowned code expert William F. Friedman, then Chief of the Code Section in the office of the Chief Signal Officer of the Army was standing by to translate any messages that may have come from Mars. Friedman became chief technical consultant to the National Security Agency in 1952 and two years later became the special assistant to the director of the National Security Agency.
At the US Naval Observatory a radio receiver was lifted 3000 meters above the ground in a dirigible tuned to a wavelength between 5 and 6 kilometers to record Martian signals during the silent periods. The U.S. Naval Observatory worked with Amherst College's newly developed "radio photo message continuous recording machine" or "Radio-Camera" invented by Francis Jenkins. This machine produced flashes of light that were recorded on film whenever an incoming radio wave was detected. On August 21st the Jenkins Radio-Camera was turned on. A roll of sensitized paper about thirty feet long and about six inches wide, slowly moved past a point of light modulated by electrical radio signals fed from an antenna on Todd's dirigible aimed at Mars.
After 36 hours of recording, the film was developed and Francis Jenkins, the machine's inventor, told a press conference that the device had received signals. In addition to a fairly regular arrangement of dots and dashes clusters of signals which seemed to appear every thirty minutes. The film also showed:
"a repetition at intervals of about a half hour what appears to be a human face."
These strange patterns were reported to the public five days later on August 28, 1924 in the New York Times
The development of the photographic film of the radio signals for the 29 hour period while Mars was close to Earth, deepens the mystery of the dots and dashes heard by widely separated powerful stations. The film disclosed in black and white a regular arrangement of dots and dashes along one side. On the other, at about evenly spaced intervals, are curiously jumbled groups, each taking the form of a crudely drawn face.
The film record of the radio signals was later sent to Virginia Military Institute where it was confiscated by the NSA (National Security Agency).
The general description of this experiment is derived from accounts carried in the Washington Post, August 21-22, 1924. The New York Times, August 23, 1924. & Edwards Frank, Flying Saucers -Serious Business. Published in 1966 Pages 75-78.

I am sorry NASA, hide whatever you want to, American Intellegence or whatever, nobody is as stupid as you lot to think you can hide an elephant behind a tree, Aliens do exist and they might be NASA.




Last Updated: Saturday, 17 March 2007, 04:57 GMT

'Cave entrances' spotted on Mars

By Paul Rincon

Science reporter, BBC News, Houston

South polar region of Mars
Nasa release on the topography of the south polar region of Mars
Scientists studying pictures from Nasa's Odyssey spacecraft have spotted what they think may be seven caves on the surface of Mars.
The candidate caves are on the flanks of the Arsia Mons volcano and are of sufficient depth their floors mostly cannot be seen through the opening.
Details were presented here at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Houston, Texas.
Temperature data from Mars Odyssey's Themis instrument support the idea.
The authors say that the possible discovery of caves on the Red Planet is significant.
The caves may be the only natural structures capable of protecting primitive life forms from micrometeoroids, UV radiation, solar flares and high energy particles that bombard the planet's surface.
The spacecraft spotted what seemed to be vertical "skylight" entrances to caves below the surface.
There is a sheer drop of between about 80m and 130m or more to the cave floors below.
'Seven sisters'
During the day, one of the features - nicknamed "Annie" - is warmer than surrounding pits and cooler than sunlit areas.
Night time temperatures are warmer than nearly all surrounding areas.
Co-author Glen Cushing, from the US Geological Survey in Flagstaff, Arizona, said this was exactly what would be expected if the feature were a cave.
"Nothing like these features has been seen elsewhere on Mars," he told BBC News.
The researchers describe the candidate caves as "seven sisters" and have given them all names: Dena, Chloe, Wendy, Annie, Abbey, Nicki and Jeanne.
The cave entrances are between 100m and 252m wide (330-828ft).
Because in most cases the cave floors cannot be seen, only minimum depths are known: the researchers calculated they must extend between 73m and 96m (240-315ft) below the surface.
However, in one image taken of Dena by the Mars Odyssey Camera, a floor can be seen.
Using the data, the authors calculated that this cave must extend 130m (426ft) below the surface.
Mars Odyssey was launched in April 2001 to hunt for past or present water on the Red Planet.
Its Themis (Thermal Emission Imaging System) instrument uses the visible and infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum to measure the temperature properties of the Martian surface.

Is it beyond reason to think that maybe some survivors of the destruction of Mars actually do still live beneath the surface. That they trod footpaths into these great caverns, The Seven Sisters, and there they have lived. Protected from the rays above, warm, and with water.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


So if this is really true why have we not been told about it?
Perhaps for the same reason that we have not been told
about the remains of city like constructions, of tree's even
forrests, and of running water. Indeed if it had not been for
the armchair archeologists we would never have been told
 that the sky is a light blue around Mars, that the soil is  a
brown. In fact we would be led to believe that it was a dead , how far that is from the truth.


No matter what NASA had to say about it, and no matter how in the last ten years photograhic evidence has been 'doctored', features airbrushed away, the mystery was now open, and the 'Armchair archeologists' were looking, like it or not no one was trusting what the NASA boffins wanted the simple people to believe.

Mars was revealing a past, in which intelligence had once trod, built, and for some inexplicable reason, net destruction.

So let uf take a look again at
The craft on the Martian surface.

What does your own reason tell you, how do you see this object on the Martian surface?
There is form and symetry in the appearance, it is of an aerodynamic shape. The appearance of fluted sections around its body suggest this is not a rock Mr. NASA, nor is it to be airbrushed out, what a crime that would be! And what a crime has already been done in mass airbrushing by NASA of hundreds of images like these.
Maybe this craft was returning home to Mars, yet as it returned it confronted a world destroyed by a force so powerful it had ravaged the planet. The craft touched down on the desolate surface displacing the sandstone as it almost crashed. The occupants had nowhere to go, maybe they  remain inside.

What of the Tubes found across Mars.
Across different locations on Mars glass like tubes have been seen.
Within the glass like tubes there are ribbed bands that either support
or strengthen the massive structures. These tubes and the bands cannot be
and formation of a geological nature, they have detail, measured size as well as
spacing of the ribbed sections. In one tube something appears to be as if it were trapped.


Are our eyes looking at a Martian construction, perhaps a transit system?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The fate of Mars seemed to have been sealed. From the ancient writers it had  spawned imaginations, appearing to  display a red  hue, one that would associate it with anger, rage and destruction. 
In fact it was classically portrayed in music as The Bringer of War.
Writers jostled to jump aboard the mystery that this distant world spawned, and  such thoughts tempted the straying of Earthlings into possibility that, people lived there, for real. 
H G Wells loved the mystery, Orson Wells convinced people that alens had landed in a radio broadcast, the Bringer of War was filling heads with ideas that sustained the mystery.
The so called learned dismissed all this chatter, though they did feel it was attractive enough to explore, and so they did 
Now they are shocked at what they have found and in foolish retreat they re-touch photographic images to hide the things that have been uncovered, the relics of a world that turned into CHAOS.

Yet as our eyes open on the chaos what do we see, a sky reminiscent of Earth, gone the insignia of The Red Planet, though perhaps it would appear as if it were The Dead Planet.
Then peering eyes that scan what the boffins dismissed, things started to appear that some would have wished had not been, for the Mystery of Mars was anout to begin................

There in a photographic image an object sits, as if placed against a rock. Its appearance plays tricks with your minds ability to see it as familiar, and try as you might it will not go away. Closer inspection of this Rover picture throws the Mars open to speculation.

Is it the remains of a sea creature, a lizard, or is it a Monkey Wrench left by the repair crew?

And I guess it was the  breakdown crew that stacked those rocks as well as left all the junk?